With many marketers scampering to learn one social app or platform after another, a dependable old friend is languishing by the wayside. But used correctly, this older method of communication can drive up click rates and conversions to sales. What is it? Well it’s the familiar B2B email, and Katrina Munsell shows us how to craft the perfect email, as she has for Microsoft’s B2B channel.
Key Takeaways:
- “Email, the stalwart of internet communication, is that best friend of content that you didn’t know you had.”
- Katrina Munsell has successfully transformed Microsoft’s B2B email campaigns into lucrative funnel-drivers and deal-closers for their US subsidiary.
- “When people open up their emails, they’re not really reading it. They are digesting and consuming it so it’s something that people need to be able to see and understand immediately.”
“Email, the stalwart of internet communication, is that best friend of content that you didn’t know you had.”