The way humans behave has long been studied and it is perhaps no more important than what happens from a business perspective. Determining why a behavior has been chosen is usually done by analyzing what happens after it occurs and is it not always easily surmised when the action takes place if it is logical or not. One current business behavior that has a lot of proponents, but is being called into question is the over reliance on numbers and spreadsheets. This often places the focus on the wrong area and tries to eliminate the human factor. This fails on many levels and does not connect with how people really tick.
Key Takeaways:
- The reliance of numerical data, a seemingly rational choice, has at times led to an over-reliance of spreadsheet data over human judgement.
- Taking the side of the logical analytical left-brain over the right can lead to the quelling of the potentially more innovative and creative voice of the right brain.
- While some ideas inherently make sense, logic does not always have the last word as to why one thing attracts one buyer, for example, but not another.
“There is no such thing as rational behavior — we rationalize after the fact.”
Read more: What is it that Makes X Reasonable Behavior?