A question that arises is what to offer top members of your online community. These members are valuable and scarce, so you should be willing to go the extra mile to encourage them. If not, they may not be willing to put in effort for you. Consider offering them moderation abilities or direct access to senior staff, or use your resources to promote their efforts. It may not be easy to do so, but if you fail to offer top members something, you may lose them.
Key Takeaways:
- If you don’t offer great benefits to your top members, what is the point of them going up the ladder?
- A key reason for offering benefits to your upper members is to motivate them to reach that level and gain those privileges.
- Figuring out the most attractive ways to benefit your workers is something that will take your employees level of work to the next level.
“If you’re not going to go the extra mile to encourage top members, they’re not going to have much motivation to go the extra mile for you.”
Read more: https://www.feverbee.com/top-members/