Even though we shift from a market oriented system of organization to a network order of organization, we don’t lose our tribal organizational systems. However, the relationship between these systems is changed. Now, media has to work institutionally, but we governed and participate in network systems in order to reach their audiences.
Key Takeaways:
- As we shift from a market-dominated to a network-dominated society, we do not lose our previous tribal, institutional, and market organizational forms.
- Short-form social media writing platforms like Twitter push the printed word to its limit and in so doing, reverse it to a new form of orality.
- Social media can extend the emotion of our words, while obsolescing the linearity of long-form writing.
“Short-form social media writing platforms like Twitter push the printed word to its limit and in so doing, reverse it to a new form of orality. A tweet is ephemeral and soon forgotten, like a quick spoken comment.”