It was a simple but very deep article, more than just what Prince accomplished but what he and his music stood for. Prince stood out as one of the more influential artists and controversial as well, celebrating and accepting our differences rather than alienating us. There was no such thing as labels to him. This is really a great explanation of Prince not just as person but his beliefs and ideas.
Key Takeaways:
- Reflecting on his lengthy career, it seems that Prince was never afraid to stand out, stand up, or stand alone. He challenged conventions and he did so at a moment in history when many people most needed to hear it
- Many Xers admired Prince for his brutal honesty, creativity, and work ethic, and they even respected his anti-social personality offstage. In so many ways, Prince was a spokesperson for the generation came of age at the crossroads of cultural and social change and faced their own identity crises.
- Very few artists had a bigger effect on the music industry than Prince and even fewer were as widely respected, which is why the world turned purple on the day Prince died.
“While we can look back and realize how visionary and talented he was, at the height of his fame Prince was trying to differentiate in a world that wasn’t really ready for differentiation. Nevertheless, he never conformed to what others wanted him to be.”