When creating an online community, it is important to take the time to evaluate what you want your primary goal to be. Communities typically offer three things: the alleviation of fear or frustration, the comfort of belonging, or inspiration and accomplishments. Choosing one is vital in creating a successful business plan. Taking on too many main prerogatives at once can become distracting and lead you off of the path to success. Sticking to one direction will allow you to stay focused and productive.
Key Takeaways:
- Before developing and launching a new community, it’s best to be sure what the bottom line goal is.
- Communities can be about coming together to allay fears, or to share know-how, or instill a sense of belonging.
- A community based on the need to allay fears must provide quick and worthwhile information and answers, as people tend to come to get what they need and leave rather than stay.
“Communities about positive desires are far harder to get started.”
Read more: https://www.feverbee.com/desires/