In every aspect of innovation there is usually a community whether a physical place or network of people. Innovation comes from frustration and is often hard to grasp in meaning. Innovation evolves from a sense of community and shared meaning. Engagement around a common idea breeds increased thought that crystallizes around the problem. In a community an innovation becomes more normalized based around emotion, language, patterns, and finally metrics. A problem is articulated and addressed whereupon it is repeated. The community adopts the proven approaches and they become normal throughout society.
Key Takeaways:
- Cities promote innovation by generating many collisions between a diverse range of people and ideas.
- Innovation often starts with powerful but vaguely-defined feelings, such as excitement or frustration.
- Various technologies can be applied to a newly-established pattern in order to understand, modify, and optimize it.
“As more and more people engage in developing shared meaning, it is absorbed into the culture and people’s mental models. It becomes normalized. This process requires dialog, trust, and relationships.”
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