After the intial hitting of goals and attracting customers it can get a lot more expensive. Easy problems are easy and usually fairly inexpensive to solve. The harder ones are a bit more of an investment to handle. Members are the same way. The ones with immediate interest were not hard to attract at all, but after the initial rush you need to put in more of an effort to attract probably fewer clients. Your return on your investment has gone down, so to speak. That being said, you will get a greater return by having a stream of new goals to pursue, always cashing in on the new potential and interest.
Key Takeaways:
- You should begin to build soliciting systems once you have reached about a 75% response rate.
- Your ultimate resolution should not be to just meet one singular goal, but to continue to reach new goals consistently.
- Several questions within your community may require bigger teams for more technical expertise at rapid rates.
“Once you resolved the easiest questions, solicit the simplest ideas, or attract the members most likely to be attracted, the costs (time and money) begin to rise rapidly.”