A new study is show that there is a line between workers who focus on innovation in the workplace and those who don’t. The research shows that there are some who believe that innovation is the future of the working environment, while there are others who thing it is a problem. There are cases for both sides, but is there a suitable balance between the two?
Key Takeaways:
- “Looking at the association landscape as a whole, innovation tends to play out in one of two distinct ways: The association either embraces innovation completely or ignores it altogether.”
- “When respondents were asked what they believed to be the largest challenges to overcome in attempting innovation, financial resources ruled the roost for 56 percent of respondents, but immediately behind was “fighting the status quo,” at 54 percent.”
- “Sometimes doing something audaciously innovative can be a recipe for disaster.”
“When respondents were asked what they believed to be the largest challenges to overcome in attempting innovation, financial resources ruled the roost for 56 percent of respondents, but immediately behind was “fighting the status quo,” at 54 percent.”