Not all questions can be answered by a simple Google keyword search. Some questions must be discussed among others to get the appropriate answer. These questions are more complex and often are ones seeking the recommendations of others. Discussions that require a community to get to the final solution are things such as how one deals with a disease we have and handles the illness while at the same time must appear strong or if someone is looking for an experienced professional with experience in a complex situation. Google cannot replace the community discussion in these instances.
Key Takeaways:
- Discussions in a community should focus on answers you can’t Google.
- Most of the discussions you have with friends are probably questions you wouldn’t be able to Google.
- If people can Google the answer to a question, it probably doesn’t belong in a community. You can’t compete with Google. But Google shouldn’t be able to compete with you.
“If we want to know how others afflicted by the same disease we have have handled feeling exhausted while expected to appear strong, we probably need to ask that in a community.”