Information is, nowadays, shares at such a high speed that organizational channels distributing information often do not have the time to properly react. Coupled with the issues brought up by the pandemic, we can definitely say that the year of 2020 is a crisis year for organizational communication. Customers are also voicing their dissatisfaction. It is often the case that the information about an organization is not being received through a direct channel, but through networks and social media. The silence by the organizations is a concern for them.
Key Takeaways:
- Organization regulars are often aware of a frustrating disconnect, that while information flows quickly in public venues it tends to stagnate in organizations.
- The anxiety level surges when one realizes that per the information explosion that is the norm in 2020, the news cycle changes every 60 minutes.
- The time has come when organizational boards must restructure dramatically to support the knowledge economy or fall further and further behind.
“While customers get information on social media, in communities, and through their networks, they often have a challenging time getting anything directly from a person at an organization.”
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