There are quite a few community trends that you might not be realizing right now. In 2010, the main audience of FeverBee was in the United States as they took up over half of their total audience. Fast forward to FeverBees audience in 2020 and the United States is down to 30% while countries like India and the Phillipines have seen great increases. These numbers just show the missed opportunities because the growth of these countries is easily visible if you do enough research. Research and preparing is the most important thing when it comes to not missing opportunities that may be available to you.
Key Takeaways:
- In 2010, over 50% of the visitors to FeverBee were based in the United States.
- In 2020, the number of visitors to FeverBee was down to 30% as more people across the globe visited the site.
- A lot can change in 10 years to a website so make sure you and your brand are ready.
“Not only are both India and Philippines now a bigger audience than the UK, other countries like Nigeria and South Africa are growing rapidly.”
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