When thinking about what you want your community to be, you will need to prioritize cultivating some traits over others. These can include the depth of your community’s expertise, the speed with which it provides information, and how friendly/welcoming it is for members. The traits you want to maximize will inform decisions you make — sticking to a small pool of verified experts means you can provide more focused and trustworthy advice, but also keeps your community smaller and possibly less user-friendly. A super user program encourages speed, but for a smaller community it may be more important to just find a good chat platform.
Key Takeaways:
- Before you can effectively promote your online communuty, you must decide on the one quality above all others that makes yours unique.
- It may be that you can in all truth say that your community covers a specific niche in the most comprehensive way, or you offer the biggest group of individuals backing a specific cause.
- If the idea is to promote your site as offering the most trustworthy answers, then you will need some top flight well -respected experts on board.
“For example, if your community is private and exclusive, you’re probably not going to use a typical forum platform, but a more ephemeral chat platform.”
Read more: https://www.feverbee.com/strategy-question/