Maggie McGary looks at things from the viewpoint of the member, being asked to pay dues, and wanting to get something she values. So is there anything ASAE could have done to make it worth me spending $425 (the learned doctor rate) out of my own pocket? More at What's Worth Paying Dues For…And What's […]
Real Community Managers Don’t Do Karaoke
Connie Benson riffs on not singing the same old song as a community manager. Community Managers aren’t the best followers in many ways. More at Real Community Managers Don't Do Karaoke | MyVenturePad
The ART of Collaboration (2)
Steve Dale blogs about the ART of Collaboration, and shares his ideas on how to be an effective collaborator. Collaboration is at the heart of social networking and the bedrock for effective knowledge sharing. More and more organisations have recognised that encouraging collaboration between staff, stakeholders and customers will enable co-design, co-production and opportunities for […]