We make so many decisions each day, and many of them become programmed into habits. It’s not always bad to operate on autopilot, but sometimes it’s necessary to take control of our decisions. Humans are constantly sensing things, but occasionally we have to deal with things that don’t make sense. What can we do? Borrow tools from other disciplines. Notice, breathe, question, explore, and practice. These tools can help us move things forward to make change happen.
Key Takeaways:
- Asking the right questions can help you get out of whatever rut you find yourself in.
- Normally people stay on autopilot, so having to stay alert through a crisis like a pandemic is tiring.
- Read on for tips on how to make sense of these trying times and move forward.
“A shopping list, taking a specific route to work, putting the keys in the same place, you may even pick clothes for that important client meeting the night before. On a good day, when things are fairly ordinary, there’s only a limited number of situations where you need to make conscious decisions”
Read more: Stop Chasing Your Tail, Make New Sense of What’s Happening