In order to build a strong sense of community, your community usually has to be organized around an issue or interest that is st the core of your members’ identities. Sometimes you can improve your community by tweaking your topic so that it’s more central to their identities or worldviews, but in other cases there will be more payoff from focusing on how your community can help with their practical needs. This can include providing the opportunity to both ask and answer questions, as well as a way to enhance their own reputations.
Key Takeaways:
- It has been observed that a lot of companies are doing their best and pooling resources to build a sense of community when this is unnecessary.
- The bridge to having a sense of community is with people who share the same occupations, circumstances or passion.
- To make people open up, to share their life experiences, and participate in discussions that are off-topic, it has to be a major part of the individual’s identity.
“I worry we’ve gone too far towards trying to build a sense of community instead of satisfying the practical need.”
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