Everybody needs self care, but it seems community managers need it more, because they are bearing the weight of so many others, they often forget about themselves. Self care is difficult to define because it is unique to everybody. For everyone there will be a unique and different need. It may not be long bubble baths or bath bombs, but for you it might be a long walk with your favorite friend, your dog. You may even need to take up yoga or just simply start eating healthier.
Key Takeaways:
- When it comes to physical self-care, make sure you are getting exercise in. This can be something as simple as a long walk or a yoga routine.
- Talk to others and get their advice if you are in a negative headspace. Sometimes just talking about your problems will help.
- To start practicing self care, eat healthier, include more exercise in your life and start to meditate.
“Self-care is especially important for community managers because they’re often carrying the emotional load for multiple worlds – your work world with a community and colleagues, and your personal life with family, friends, and everything in between.”
Read more: https://communityroundtable.com/community-manager-role/self-care-tips-for-community-managers/