The absence of trust in our institutions has been brought on by years upon years of unreliable service that we have received with no reciprocation. This naturally has created a level of fear within society that is hard for us to directly face by rebuilding the institutional trust that we once had. Institutions must introduce a level of scalable learning before they can expect the general public to fully trust in their products and services once again.
Key Takeaways:
- When stressed humans tend to magnify their perception of risk and discount possible rewards.
- In this mindset humans tend to shrink their horizons, losing focus on the bigger world picture.
- The old model of highly specified, standardized integrated tasks is getting outdated and should be replaced with a model of scalable learning, according to business man, John Hagel.
“If trust is so important, why are we not building institutions and adopting practices that can amplify trust, rather than erode it?”
Read more: Rebuilding Trust in our Institutions