Keeping your attention on one given thing can be hard. For some people, it comes easier than for others. However, if you are a business, you want to ensure that you keep people’s attention as time goes on. One of the largest things that keeps people from truly paying attention is fear. It is one of the largest holes in people’s attention filter and it is not healthy for people to deal with. Some people understand it and some people don’t.
Key Takeaways:
- The media is very objective and mostly puts out stuff that they are comfortable with their viewers seeing.
- Appealing to the emotions of your viewing demographic is how media is able to retain viewers and customers.
- The most used attention filter is fear as fear is something that is very powerful and commands people.
“The majority of the stories we get in the media are the local and familiar kind. They merge facts with anecdotes to share things that are of potential human interest, that connect with belief. They trigger us by appealing to our dramatic instincts.”
Read more: Our Attention Filter