When you are a leader of a community, it is important not to look at the group of people as one. You need to understand that the community is made up of people from all different backgrounds. They need to be treated with respect. They should not feel as if they are all one and there are a lot of leaders out there who struggle with this very idea. Therefore, get to know your community and do not be afraid to.
Key Takeaways:
- Understanding the type of people that live in your own specific area is so important.
- If you are a leader within your community, you need to know how to help the individuals who need it.
- Knowing not to put people together, or lump them together, is very important. Treat everyone with respect.
“A solution to this is to properly segment your members and develop a series of emails, unique weekly messages, and on-site calls to action (CTAs) they will receive.”
Read more: https://www.feverbee.com/segments/