Before you start recruiting your new team of volunteer moderators, take the time to envision the member that you would like to attract. This will help you steer clear of those who have egotistical tendencies. Once you’ve chosen your team, start assigning them different tasks to determine which volunteers are better at certain jobs. Once each volunteer moderator has an assigned position, be sure to keep an eye on them overtime as cliques can often begin to form.
Key Takeaways:
- Develop an idea of the exact member you want in order to approach them directly. This will prevent you from attracting high levels of members with ego and power issues.
- Assign your volunteer moderators with various tasks in order to see which individuals are best at which projects.
- Keep an eye on your moderators, as there are certainly times where cliques form and certain activities become counterproductive.
“t’s important they both understand and have successfully internalised the culture you’re working to build, if they’re going to help you scale that culture to others.”
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