Holistic technology has made people lazy and has also added to the fact that many people do not live up to what their own potential is. It is so much easier for a person to use technology to do the work for them instead of actually doing the work. There is technology that people can use that will tell them how to act and what to do in order to get good reviews from clients. People do not think for themselves anymore.
Key Takeaways:
- Platform capitalism relies upon prescriptive technologies like those that tell Uber drivers how to act in order to keep their 5-star ratings.
- Holistic technologies are used by knowledge artisans to do and share their work. For example, the open source community is based on ensuring that code is transparent and is open to forking.
- As informed citizens we have to start asking ourselves how we can cast away these prescriptive technologies and master holistic ones between engaged artisans.
“The ubiquitous search engine optimization (SEO) industry is based on Google’s dominance of internet search. But gaming the system means buying into it. Prescriptive technologies limit human potential.”