If you are redesigning your community, there is some things that you need to know. When most people work on the design phase, they don’t think about how much impact one click actually has. When you multiply that one click by members who visit many times during the year, it’s a ton of clicks. Most well designed communities are ones that give you a lot of information on the homepage and make it easy for them to browse without interruption. If you are redesigning a community, keep that in mind.
Key Takeaways:
- Seemingly minor site changes can upset members who find their usual flow has been interrupted.
- The most well-designed communities are those that appreciate that the homepage is for scanning.
- Instead of just thinking about what to add to your next community redesign, consider what you might take away.
“In the design phase, it’s easy to overlook the impact of a single extra click. It only takes another second after all.”
Read more: https://www.feverbee.com/community-redesign/