When we meet a challenge with a response that is equal to it, we achieve success. Technology has changed the way we view life and how we deal with the stress of it. One problem we face with this is that technology changes at a faster rate than humans. Conversation is the best tool for the defense of understanding the changing world around us. We can collaborate, nourish and mend relationships and crucial conversations transform people. However the ability to talk to one another is usually underestimated despite ability not being a skill. Sometimes our actions can be self-defeating. Our emotions run us, but the good news is they are incredibly plastic.
Key Takeaways:
- Technology has added paths to greater success and stress in equal measure.
- Unfortunately though technology moves at sometimes breakneck speed, we as communities, individuals and businesses do not.
- Even in a high-tech age, conversations, that is communication via dialogue, is still our best path to understanding, nourishing bonds and solving problems.
“To find this higher way where something new comes from two or more people, we need genuine dialogue.”
Read more: “Crucial Conversations” is a Guide for When the Stakes are High