The writers at FeverBee have created a webinar that explains the importance of individual perceptions of data. Many business owners believe that by collecting and presenting data to the public, they are displaying facts that are stable and consistent. Unfortunately, if another business owner were to take data in the same manner, their perception may cause the results to be completely different. How can data be so easily construed as factually different based on perception? This is the question that is answered in the FeverBee webinar.
Key Takeaways:
- It’s a mistake for one to believe that with the right data they can just win the argument because data can be misinterpreted.
- When people are looking at data they might be looking for line of best fit, or past trends, or some sort of averaging over past trends.
- Although data isn’t the strongest or weakest metric for a community, it shows how the community is doing or what it’s worth.
“This happens with almost every possible metric. Everyone brings their own biases into their interpretation of data. If they don’t know you, don’t believe in you, or don’t understand the community then the same metrics you’re delighted to present can be perceived negatively.”
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