Digital engagement within online communities are taking on a whole new meaning with the way 2020 is set up. We have a whole new perspective to be taken on the online communities that exist on how to better engage and make it a more up to date platform for users in this new era. Some […]
How To Get Members To Stay Engaged In An Online Community (short video)
Today on FeverBee we talk a bit about how to keep members motivated in an online community. Some people are intrinsically motivated by their own will to want to help people. Other people are extrinsically motivated from getting recognition or certain VIP labels that show they have a high standing. We can work on keeping […]
The ‘In The Trenches’ Community Manager
Strategists, moderators and directors are needed for community development, but the most important role and the one your community cannot thrive without is the field community manager. Effectiveness and engagement suffer when there is a lack of one. This person is a liaison between the board and the members, and in this role, manager spends […]
The Community Trends You Might Be Missing
There are quite a few community trends that you might not be realizing right now. In 2010, the main audience of FeverBee was in the United States as they took up over half of their total audience. Fast forward to FeverBees audience in 2020 and the United States is down to 30% while countries like […]
New for Connect 2020: The Technology Track
The Technology Track was designed to help make your community thrive when it comes to technology by utilizing sessions, workshops and roundtables. There are many things that this covers including how to manage a migration, how to use tools that will help you better understand analytics, and also what the future of community technology is […]
Conversations with Community Managers – Jennifer Erzen on the (Not So) Secret Powers of Community
On this episode of Conversations with Community Managers podcast Jim and Shannon talk with Jennifer Erzen about benefits of online communities. Jennifer is a long term friend of the show and explains how her personal experience working with Aetna to help them modernize their technology. She got them into Jive, an online platform for collaborating […]
Why Aren’t Members Asking More Questions?
People may not be asking more questions because they aren’t sure what questions are acceptable to ask, or if people will judge certain questions that are asked. You can interview multiple people and come up with something based on the responses that you receive when you do so. There will also be an anonymous feature, […]
Stop Chasing Your Tail, Make New Sense of What’s Happening
We make so many decisions each day, and many of them become programmed into habits. It’s not always bad to operate on autopilot, but sometimes it’s necessary to take control of our decisions. Humans are constantly sensing things, but occasionally we have to deal with things that don’t make sense. What can we do? Borrow […]
Three Approaches To Increasing Engagement In A Community
There are three approaches that you can take to make sure that you are optimizing what you have, and having the broadest audience possible. You can focus on improving your website by noticing all of the things that are wrong with it and fixing them up. You can also expand your reach by figuring out […]
Working For A Community vs. Working With A Community
Working for a community might not get all of the things done that you want done within the community. You will want to work with a community as a way to understand better what the community needs to be a little more successful. When you are working with the community, you will better be able […]