Getting your business in an online community can help for many reasons. One of the main reasons consumers join communities is to review and or cite/complain about their customer experiences. So for that reason you should get involved. But there are many other benefits, some include, you can make money, you can attract a great staff, you can win web awards, and can create user generated content.
Key Takeaways:
- Quiip knows communities and we know that customer service is only the tip of the iceberg.
- Here are 7 surprising things that an online community will do for your business: 1. Make you money 2. Attract and keep great staff 3. Win you awards 4. Be your innovation department 5. Create user generated content 6. Finance your projects 7. Save a species
- We are here for you!
“80% of future revenue will come from 20% of your current customers (Gartner Study)”