Jessica Malnik describes 11 books that she has read recently that made a powerful impact on her. She recommends that all community leaders should read these book. Some of the takeaways that she got from the books include: You are a mashup of what you choose to let in your life and excuction is the name of the game.
Key Takeaways:
- “I’m a firm believer that you can supercharge your knowledge through reading books and longer essays.”
- “A couple of years ago, I started to implement a system where I would only read a book once I heard about it in three different channels (ideally in-person, on one of the tightly curated email newsletters that I subscribe to and through a friend on Twitter). Then from there, I add and rank it on my Goodreads account.”
- “I certainly read my fair share of those books, but I’ve found the more I stray away to other topics, the more I can make connections and apply new strategies that I otherwise wouldn’t have made.”
“I’m a firm believer that you can supercharge your knowledge through reading books and longer essays.”